History Of The Jenny Craig Diet
The history of the Jenny Craig diet and this all started from a question we received so here goes, it was started by a person known as Genevieve Guidroz, she was an American weight-loss guru born in the early 1930s.
Where It All Started
The Jenny Craig company began in Australia, started offering its diet program in America in 1985, and was purchased by a company called Nest in 2006.
This dietary organization currently has 550 weight loss centers across the USA.
Jenny Craig calls its Jenny Craig diet the most effective weight loss management system in the world. It has a simple formula for weight loss that being; good nutrition and basic activities It’s a well-known program for weight loss and healthy living used throughout the fitness world.
The Jenny Craig diet doesn’t only seek to support people in losing weight, it seeks to establish a long-term lifestyle for healthy living. In this sense it’s much more than any Fad Diet .
Celebrity spokes people have long been a primary of this diet. One of these was a well-known actress who had appeared in Cheers and various Star Trek movies Kristie Alley. People were astonished at how fat Kristie had turned out to be when she first appeared as the spokesperson in 2005.
Her work for Jenny Craig came after she had ballooned to over 200 pounds, and appeared in a comedy documentary known as Fat Actress.
In this documentary and as of November of 2006 Kristie Alley states to have lost 75 pounds while on the diet.
A number of people questioned whether Kristie really lost weight while on the diet. Again the question really needs to be asked was Kristie paid millions of dollars to do this or was it something she needed to do and is now a believer in this fat loss system.
Over the history of the Jenny Craig diet program it has included and still does one-on-one counseling sessions with their weight experts. These of course are not licensed or qualified weight loss nutritionists nor are they health professionals. Jenny Craig trains them in turn only for the position. So what is the philosophy of the Jenny Craig Diet, this weight loss program works in the following manner.
People who join start out with diet plans based on prepackaged foods.
The selection is large with a good variety, over seventy-five frozen and dry foods to which persons add things like store-bought vegetables and dairy. Frequent users of the diet can make their own diets and selections from the online menu. Over time the foods are cut back to less than half the meals.
Over the history of this it has been tested by the medical site WebMD. Most of the guys found the food tasty, comparable to frozen food items found in most grocery stores, and indicated that the diet was a good way to lose weight quickly over the short-term. If you need to lose weight, you could consider to give some thought to this diet.
However if you don’t want the large costs involved and are motivated enough to lose weight from home then you should consider using some of the resources I offer here. Here is a link to the Jenny Craig Website.
A fantastic post! Interesting read. Going to follow this blog closely in the future. Looking forward to the next update!
I agree with you 99% but wonder if you have really looked at the whole picture. DOn’t mean to be critical just food for thought.
Nice post. There’s a similar topic thats related to this in Yahoo answers or Google groups, I think. I’ll find the link and post it back here.
Thanks for posting such great info
This is an excellent article! I hope to check back for more
Excellent article. Being ?real? and passionate are very important. Readers can tell when the writer cares about the subject at hand. Thank you.
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Looks likely the Jenny Craig Diet has some merit but is vastly overpriced and is targeted primarely to busy Hollywood stars who can pay the price while they continue going through their busy schedule.
Like so many celebrity backed services.
The fact that the counselors are trained just for the job cuts the costs and the possibility of dissent in the work force.
That the overall evaluation points in the direction of making $$$$ first, and making you lose weight and making you keep that weight off coming second.
So it depends on someone’s priorities, what objective should come first.
Some have huge careers to manage and money is not a preoccupation.
That’s not me, unfortunately…
Wow! The article is very interesting. I was so impress with Kristie Alley’s transformation of her body because of that diet program. Such a great post!
Having been on 100 ‘s of fad diets with very little success and having tried to eat a balanced nutritional diet as well i have come to the following conclusion.
All the experts say eat plenty of white meat and fish, so take the humble supermarket chicken.
They are fast reared in a matter of weeks and fed on growth hormones and steroids and all kinds of ingredients to fatten them up very quickly. Also look at any supermarket display with at least 30 chickens and then compare them. How can they all be exactly the same weight?
They are then sold to us the consumer and we eat this product. So all the ingredients added finish up in ourselves.
No wonder we cannot lose weight !!!!!
“People who join start out with diet plans based on prepackaged foods.
The selection is large with good variety with over seventy five frozen and dry foods to which persons add things like store bought vegetables and dairy. Frequent users of the diet can make their own diets and selections from the Jenny Craig food buy online. Over time the Jenny Craig foods are cut back to less than half the meals.”
The use of prepackaged foods leaves the question of whether people are learning to eat for a lifetime, or whether it is just a quick weight loss solution. If the reasons of why they are overweight and an installation of an eating plan for life is not followed, is it really going to be a long term loss of weight or a temporary weight loss?
Hi Jeannie
I would have to agree with you on this… Having food prepared and delivered is really not you making a lifestyle change and if you do not learn how to prepare the foods yourself then once you finish the diet or believe you have lost enough weight and return to your normal eating habits the weight you lost may start to come back.
Very interesting how Jenny Craig got started I would have thought it was by someone named Jenny Craig. Any idea how it came to be called Jenny Craig. I have had family members on this plan and it works well when you stick to it and it is not a fad it has been around for a long time and proved it works by many people.
I don’t know about Kristie Alley and if she lost weight on this diet or not but when she was on the dance show (sorry I can’t think of the name right now) she was heavy at the start and lost a lot of weight through the competition and she looked really good at the end of the show.
Hi Steve
Here is what we actually know about where the name Jenny Craig came from…
Jenny Craig was a real individual, born in 1932 in the middle of the Great Depression. Her name when she was born was Genevieve Marie Guidroz. However this was shorten to Jenny, so as you can see the diet is actually named after the creator.
For Kristy see seems to have a long running battle with weight but from what I can tell every-time she goes back on the diet the weight comes off. This is a problem that many of us experience when dieting.
I’m not impressed with any diet that requires you to buy prepackaged foods. I have heard good things about Fat Burning Furnace. It seems an organization like Jenny Craig fundamentally doesn’t want you to lose weight. They only make money off you while you are fat.
Hi Jean
I believe the reason the food comes to you pre-packaged is so the people at Jenny Craig supply you with meals that are balanced and only have a certain amount of calories in each serve. I have seen some where that the meals are all prepared by qualified chefs.
“I used to be a heavy weight before but I think the key in any goals for weight loss is self-discipline. I’m also really thankful to my support system.
Also, I think the Jenny Craig Diet would really be helpful in losing weight. I would recommend this to a friend.”
“I believe the reason the food comes to you pre-packaged is so the people at Jenny Craig supply you with meals that are balanced and only have a certain amount of calories in each serve. I have seen some where that the meals are all prepared by qualified chefs.”
Do those pre package food have preservatives in it?